C. 同音词、双关词
有一个文字游戏是这样讲的:“Will liars be honest after they die?”(骗子会在死后变得诚实吗?)。答案是:“No. They lie still after they die.”(不会,因为他们死后还是lie。因为“躺着”和“撒谎”两个词在英文里都是lie。)
Most people Powerpoint have no power and no point; those writing Word have no word to say; those using Excel don’t excel and those using Access had no access. And the ultimate truth is, most people skilled Microsoft Office are both micro and soft in the Office.(这段话我就不翻译成中文了,因为翻译过来,那种幽默和巧劲儿就大大折扣了,大家还是自己体会吧。)